Monday, November 10, 2008

Letter of Support from Paul Hoosen

As published in the Undercurrent - Nov. 3, 2008

To whom it may concern:

I am fully supporting Peter Frinton's candidacy for Municipal Council, and hope that many others do, as well. Peter has served this community with care, intelligence and dedication for years, and provides an important voice in any deliberation, no matter what the subject. He has a strong social conscience, and delves deeply into any issue before making up his mind, thereby allowing diverse points of view to be heard and considered, so that effective decisions can be made.

Peter is a hard worker and a smart worker, bringing a wealth of experience and research to the table. He volunteers an immense amount of time for committee work, and follows through with regular attendance and careful input. He is not afraid to speak up, and present a different point of view, even if it is not popular, while always remaining a good listener.

Peter takes a fiscally prudent, but balanced approach to spending, and has a strong desire to find out what is best for the community at large, in advance of embarking on risky ventures. As an artist, I appreciate that Peter has always supported our goals, and taken concrete steps to make Bowen a sustainable and arts-friendly community. 

He will address the issues of Affordable Housing, Civic Facilities, disposition of Community Lands, Cape Roger Curtis development, OCP review, and infrastructure upgrades with equal passion, and when the moment is right, take positive action. Please consider supporting Peter on Nov. 15.

Paul Hooson

(604) 947-2652

Supporting Peter Frinton

   Peter Frinton needs to rewrite his campaign literature.  He’s way too modest for his own good.  His hard work on council isn’t glamorous and service on council must be a thankless occupation. 

This does not deter him.  He is tireless in his pursuit of informing himself about the details of governing this island.   Endless bloody meetings that go on for hours about all the things in public discussion - housing, Snug Cove, the arts, green regulations, sewers, grants, marshalling, the Cape, transportation, the community plan.   Email him you’ll get an answer. Call him, he responds. Leave a message he gets back to you.      

Whatever issues are up for consideration, Peter is there inquiring, listening, thinking about, researching, immersed in the discussion.   Adding to the discussion and pointing out the pluses and the minuses.  And finally offering nuanced conclusions.   Ask him to show up, & he shows up 100% of the time.  He nourishes himself on doing his stacks of Council meeting homework, talking to everyone about this place where we live and must dream about the nuts and bolts of bylaw writing.   Details, details, details.  Judiciously weighing how it all fits together.  For the public good of it.  For the future of the island and our community.   

He is a municipal councillor day and night.  There isn’t anyone who is more devoted. Without fanfare.  Through and through.  What he hopes for by way of thanks for his dedication is one thing.  The opportunity to do even more of it. Hours and hours, weeks, month after month. What he certainly deserves - is our vote.   - Fitch Cady  

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