Thursday, October 16, 2014

Withdrawal as Candidate for Mayor

This morning I reluctantly withdrew my name from consideration for the mayor's post. For those that had encouraged and supported my bid, I give a very big heartfelt thanks. I feel especially validated by those who are not close to me personally, but have given public support and buoyed my spirits immensely.

However, I had good reason to withdraw

First, I had made a large error in not announcing my intention to run earlier, and as a result did not have much momentum.

Second, I did not have a team in place; the support which I had earlier been offered was transferred to an other candidate when I did not confirm my candidacy.

Third, as a result of these first two, my prospects were not encouraging. More likely than winning, it would result in the election of a third candidate, not the person with whom I shared the biggest support base, Murray Skeels.

That said, some of my support may well go to other candidates.

So, I step aside. New challenges, undoubtedly more commentary from the sidelines as the new Council finds its feet.

Best of luck to all those in the race.

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